Thursday 26 November 2015


Each day is given to us as an opportunity for improvement and progress. No day should leave you the way it met you. Things need to change on your inside on a daily basis and that happens when you take in information and learn something new.
Today is an opportunity for you to take a step forward and succeed like you have never succeeded before.
What makes each day count?
it is the passage of time that is converted to achievement and fulfillment. This is when we have measurable goals and specific targets. So if we achieve our targets,we have converted this day into the achievement of a particular purpose or goal.
What you do with your time is literally what you are doing with your life. This is why you cannot afford to waste your time. To waste time is to waste life. Time expended can never be recovered again.
When we set goals,we give ourselves the opportunity to convert time to progress.

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