Saturday 27 June 2015


Marriage is the only school where you get the Certificate before you start.
It's also a school where you will never graduate.
It's a school without a break or a free period.
It's a school where no one is allowed to drop out.
It's a school you will have to attend every day of your life.
It's a school where there is no sick leave or holidays.
It's a school founded by God:
1.On the foundation of love.
2.The walls are made out of trust.
3.The door made out of acceptance.
4.The windows made out of understanding
5.The furniture made out of blessings
6.The roof made out of faith.
Be reminded that you are just a student not the principal.
God is the only Principal.
Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and run outside.
Keep in mind that, this school is the safest place to be.
Never go to sleep before completing your
assignments for the day.
Never forget the C-word...Communicate.
Communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.
If you find out something in your classmate (spouse) that you do not appreciate,
Remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate,
God is not finished with him/her yet.
So take it as a challenge and work on it together.
Do not forget to study the Holy Book (the main textbook of this school).
Start each day with a sacred assembly and end it the same way.
Sometimes you will feel like not attending classes, yet you have to.
When tempted to quit find courage and continue.
Some tests and exams may be tough but remember,
the Principal knows how much you can bear and yet
it's a school better than any other.
It's one of the best schools on earth;
joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day.
Different subjects are offered in this school, yet love is the major subject.
After all the years of theorizing about it, now you have a chance to practice it.
To be loved is a good thing, but to love is the greatest privilege of them all.
Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse.
More grace from God.

Barr.NANA Arnold

Morality and Law ( what is right in the face of law might offend good morality, let's be of good morals)

U.S CATHOLIC BISHOPS RESPOND TO GAY MARRIAGE RULING - A MUST READ June 26, 2015 WASHINGTON—The U.S. Supreme Court decision, June 26, interpreting the U.S. Constitution to require all states to license and recognize same-sex “marriage” “is a tragic error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us,” said Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The full statement follows: Regardless of what a narrow majority of the Supreme Court may declare at this moment in history, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable. Just as Roe v. Wade did not settle the question of abortion over forty years ago, Obergefell v. Hodges does not settle the question of marriage today. Neither decision is rooted in the truth, and as a result, both will eventually fail. Today the Court is wrong again. It is profoundly immoral and unjust for the government to declare that two people of the same sex can constitute a marriage. The unique meaning of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is inscribed in our bodies as male and female. The protection of this meaning is a critical dimension of the “integral ecology” that Pope Francis has called us to promote. Mandating marriage redefinition across the country is a tragic error that harms the common good and most vulnerable among us, especially children. The law has a duty to support every child’s basic right to be raised, where possible, by his or her married mother and father in a stable home. Jesus Christ, with great love, taught unambiguously that from the beginning marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. As Catholic bishops, we follow our Lord and will continue to teach and to act according to this truth. I encourage everyone to move forward with faith, hope, and love: faith in the unchanging truth about marriage, rooted in the immutable nature of the human person and confirmed by divine revelation; hope that these truths will once again prevail in our society, not only by their logic, but by their great beauty and manifest service to the common good. Lastly, I call upon all people of good will to join us in proclaiming the goodness, truth, and beauty of marriage as rightly understood, and I ask all in positions of power and authority to respect the God-given freedom to seek, live by, and bear witness to the truth....Lets save the human Specie that is by this vote endangered for extinction.

Buhari Delivers Death to The Cabal.
Refineries Will Work Again It was a simple mathematical equation. I hedged my bets on it and Buhari has proven I won. Nigeria’s privatization was always a scam.
They made it seem as if it was impossible for government to keep things working and to fix them when they spoil. The simple minded believed them.
Petty economists argued and wrote epistles explaining how this was the colonial master’s capitalist Holy Grail. I argued that if indeed the government could not run anything, it must first privatize itself, as by their own submission, it lacked the capacity to ‘privatize,’ as a process run. I labelled it for what it really was- Capitalization, and waged my bet against them.The only way to prove I was right was for a Buhari to win. We kicked out Jonathan. He won. I won.
What is Cabalization? I described it in detail in my article of February 8th, 2014: “Cabalization of PHCN Leads to Exorbitant Electricity Bills For Nigerians.” Here is how it works:
1. Allow the cabal to disrupt processes of repair and utility of public assets.
 2. Make it appear impossible to run and maintain public assets.
3. Overhaul them at a stupendous price paid by tax payer/ national income.
4. Offer them for sale in a shoddy process to your cabal partners in whose companies you have stock.
5. Sell them at one tenth the amount you used to overhaul them – effectively looting billions in an instant.
6. Allow unregulated exorbitant rates for the utilities the now privatized assets provide.
7. Enforce an oligopoly for the utilities, barring natural competition.
8. Relax and enjoy your looted state wealth and reap crazy dividends in quarterly returns from your shares in the cabalized companies. Yes, today we know that our refineries can work.
Four will be working by this July, God willing. They were never broken, just kept out of commission by workers of Lucifer. They kept them off simply to make fuel subsidy bread, to pave the path for cabalization and to raise the stock of Dangote’s refinery. The vultures. Their eyes were on these refineries. Obasanjo dashed them to them earlier, along with Transcorp Hilton and other things, but thankfully Yar’Adua seized them back for us. President Buhari is delivering the change we voted him into power for. In spite of his ineffective media team and his imperfections, like his failure to remove the innocent’s blood-soaked NSA and Security chiefs, he has defied the typical odds and shamed the Stockholm syndromed. Perhaps he will overturn many of the past privatizations as did
late Yar’Adua before they poisoned him as alleged. I call the past Babangida’s PDP governments, jackals and the cabal, vultures. In a partnership of death.
One thing is certain: the cabal will fight back! Oh yes they will. Therefore, I call on all Nigerians to fight on the side of posterity. To defend change. Our revolution that got rid of Babangida was hijacked again immediately by his adopted brother, Abdulsalami as they installed their ‘PDP’ party. We must never allow this revolution to be likewise hijacked.The hijack has already started in the senate. Actually it started before Buhari was even sworn in, with the bill amendments. This war against the 30-year strong and long Babangida and his PDP-sons who sold Nigeria to
themselves, will not be possible or easy for Buhari by himself especially with that covetous National Assembly who did their best to put a man of the cabal at the head of the senate.Buhari cannot do it without us. Defend your revolution.Defend Change. Death to the cabal. Sai Buhari!

A legislator-member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has offered an explanation for the free-for-all which occurred on the floor of the House of Representatives on Thursday, June 25, 2015.
 Nasiru Daura, the representative of Zango/Baure Federal Constituency of Katsina State gave an insight into the incident via a press statement.
It reads:
“We are here on behalf of our colleagues of the APC House Caucus to explain to you the unfortunate occurrence during today’s plenary session.”
“The action that occurred inside the chamber of the House of Representatives was in reaction to the illegal and unconstitutional action taken by Speaker Yakubu Dogara of the House of Representatives, an action in his usual tradition of total disregard to the wishes of the majority members of the APC Caucus, the Party itself and the spirit of the Party.”
“We are aware of a letter sent by our Party, APC, dated 23rd June 2015, conveying the approval of the party’s principal officers vis a vis the APC House Leader, the APC Chief Whip, the APC Deputy House Leader and the APC Deputy Chief Whip for the House of Representatives.”
“This letter by the Party is in compliance with the expressed wish and mandate of the Majority Members of the APC Caucus in the House of Representatives. This action of the party and the APC House Caucus is in compliance with the Nigerian Constitution, the House rules and parliamentary tradition, practices and precedents in Nigeria and all over the World.”
“But to our surprise and in breach of our privilege and rights as contained in the Constitution and extant House Rules, Mr. Speaker refused to read the letter from our party.”
“…Speaker Yakubu Dogara of the House of Representatives cannot under extant laws and House rules appoint, choose, select, dictate or even provide guidance on how Party Principal Officers emerge or are elected or selected. That responsibility and authority lies with each Party and Party’s Caucus members in the House.”
“If I may ask, is Speaker Yakubu Dogara empowered to do that for the PDP House Caucus? “
“This action by Speaker Yakubu Dogara cannot and will not be allowed to stand as it will set a dangerous precedent in our parliamentary practice as it will give the Speaker the right and authority to appoint, choose, select, dictate or even provide guidance on how Principal Officers emerge or are elected or selected by the Majority and Minority Parties in the House of Representatives. This action is capable of truncating our democracy.”
“We, the loyal and disciplined majority APC Caucus in the House of Representatives are fully committed in ensuring that our party’s and President Muhammadu Buhari’s manifesto, agenda and positions prevail despite the efforts and shenanigans of the opposition party(s) and the few disloyal and undisciplined APC party members in the House of Representatives.”
“We are determined in our efforts to utilise all legislative strategies available to us, so as to ensure the compliance with due process and democratic norms and values. We shall persevere, come rain come shine!”

Friday 26 June 2015

Methods And Rules Of Statutory Interpretation (English legal system)

There are various methods and rules of statutory interpretation (The main focus is on the rules of statutory interpretation but It will start with the methods of statutory interpretation because without the method there won't be rule to guide the method/way of statutory interpretation) Statutory also know has Statute is a written law passed by a legislative body (Statute means Law) The Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation. Some amount of interpretation is often necessary when a case involves a statute Sometimes the words of a statute have a plain and straightforward meaning but in many cases, there is some ambiguity or vagueness in the words of the statute that must be resolved by the judge. To find the meanings of statutes, judges use various tools and methods of statutory interpretation, in common law, the judiciary mostly apply rules of statutory interpretation to legislation enacted by the legislature >There are two major Methods/Ways in which judges can approach a statute and interpret it this includes the "Literal approach" and the "Purposive approach". *The literal approach is where the judge should take the literal meaning of the legislation and not go beyond or behind the legislation to find the meaning of that law, The literal approach does help to establish to find the true intentions of parliament as the parliament wouldn't purposely create legislation which would cause absurd outcomes within court. *The purposive approach does not limit the judge in going beyond and behind the legislation to find a meaning of that law. This is usually done to ultimately follow the main reason for that law being created. >There are three major rules of interpreting statute, the rule that guide the literal and purposive approach explained above; they are described below. Firstly, The Literal Rule is where judges take the literal meaning of statute and apply this to the case at hand. Secondly, The Golden Rule allows judges again to take the literal meaning of the statute but if the decision will lead to an absurd outcome then the judge will intervene and use their common sense to make a judgment. ~There can be two types of the Golden Rule, the wider meaning and the narrow meaning. ~The narrow meaning is used when there are two contradictory meanings to a word in the statute. If this occurs the court will take the meaning which doesn't create an absurdity. ~The wider meaning is used when the legislation only has one meaning and where applying this meaning will cause an “absurd, inconsistent and inconvenient” outcome. Thirdly, The Mischief Rule is usually used to determine what parliament actually meant by creating the act. ~There also aids available to the judiciary. There are two types of aids available intrinsic and extrinsic. ~The intrinsic aids allow the court to find the meaning within the statutes, i.e. judges can look at the detailed title and the explanatory notes of the statute. ~Extrinsic aids again allow the judiciary to find the meaning of the statute. Judges can look at things outside to understand a statute completely i.e. they can look at Dictionaries, reports from the Royal Commissions. Sometimes Hansard is used to find the meaning of a statute but not the reason for the law being created, Hansard is used very rarely. Finally,The Statutory interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation, that is, the law passed by the legislative are interpreted by the judiciary using the methods(approaches) and rules above.

Thursday 25 June 2015


Exam malpractice has become an uncontrollable disease affecting our universities. It has affected the education system in very negative way and as a result students enter into university with the impression that exam malpractice is a normal affair. Some of the students believe that certicate can be purchase like item in a market square, it’s really deplorable to find out that these set of students have failed to comprehend the importance of knowledge, wisdom and education. And with this entire complicated situation, the university staffs are not really helping.
Exam malpractice can be define as anything done by stakeholders such as examination administrators, teachers, parents and students that is likely to render the assessment or examination ineffective or useless.
It can also be regarded as any form of fraudulent activity that aims at better result than the candidate’s actual intelligence.
It is also define as non-compliance to the rules and regulations controlling the conduct of an examination.
The need for solving the problem of examination malpractice and related offences led to the promulgation of act 33 of the 1999 to serve as deterrent to those who normally perpetuate this act.
The various form of examination malpractices offences observe are:
·    Cheating at examination
Barr. NANA Arnold congratulating UPIB best
lecturer of the year Mr Azeez OKUKU 
·         Stealing of question papers
·         Impersonating
·         Disorderliness at examination
·         Misconduct at examination
·         Obstruction of supervisor in carrying out his duties
·         Breach of duty during examination
·         Conspiracy to cheat
·         Aiding and abetting examinees to cheat
The act 33 of the 1999 also defines offences such as:
Ø  Leakage: involves content of examination disclosed to candidates prior to time of taking examination, this could involve staff, test developers and test moderators.
Ø  Administration: exam malpractice at the administrative level involves an individual who is not registered as a candidate but takes the place of one that is registered. It also involves students and lecturers taking the test for monetary reward or as favor for a friends and acquaintances
Ø  External assistance: it is the form of malpractice where invigilators dictate answers, write answers, circulate sheet of worked out answers during the exam or act as carriers of unauthorized materials into the exam hall.
Ø  Smuggling of foreign materials: this is the most common form of malpractice, it relates to the bringing of unauthorized materials into the exam hall
Ø  Copying: this is the reproduction of another candidates work with or without their permission, it usually involves only the students but can be facilitated by inadequate spacing between desk and poor supervision
Ø  Substitution of scripts: replacing answer sheets handed out during the exam with the one written outside the exam hall, this involves supervisors, lecturers
Ø  Marking malpractice: this is a deliberate alteration of marks designed to inflate or deflate a candidate’s original mark.

There is a need to elaborate an examination policy that will promote the education system and set a standard that is specially design to maximize success while focusing on leadership development.


Wednesday 24 June 2015

breakfast news President Buhari Orders Withdrawal Of Soldiers From Non-essential Check Points
NEWSJun 22, 2015 0

President Muhammadu Buhari Monday in Abuja directed the Nigerian Army to withdraw soldiers from military check-points in relatively secure parts of the country and concentrate more on ending the Boko Haram insurgency.
Speaking at a meeting with the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Defence, the Chief Of Defence Staff, Service Chiefs and Heads of National Security Agencies, President Buhari said, however, that military check-points could be retained in areas outside the North-Eastern states where the military considered them absolutely essential for the maintenance of national security.
Reaffirming his administration’s total commitment to ending the Boko Haram insurgency in the shortest possible time, the President welcomed the progress report he was given on the implementation of his order that the Military Command Control Centre be relocated to Maiduguri.
President Buhari who, in keeping with the declared priorities of his government, made the meeting with defence and security chiefs the top item on his schedule on his first day at work in the Presidential Villa, also expressed satisfaction at the progress made so far in the implementation of the decision of the Lake Chad Basin Commission to fast-track the deployment of the Multinational Joint Task Force based in Ndjamena.
The defence and security chiefs who met with the President and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo for over three and half hours, also briefed them on the refurbishment of existing military platforms and the acquisition of new weapons for the Armed Forces.