Saturday 4 July 2015



Nigerians were not wrong to vote for change neither will they regret  ever voting for change. We all need to realise the fact that along this trajectory of change somethings will have to give way. My suggestions are as follows:
1. We should stop celebrating any politician whose integrity has been called to question untill when they cleared their names
2. Any politician that is disrespectful of the platform that gave him/her the privilege to be a legislature is not worth been respected by the party. If Saraki and his co travellers can be so scornful and disrespectful of their party then they should resign their membership of the party if not the party should show them them the way out.
3. Nigerians are tired of recycling corrupt politicians that and that is why they voted for change believing that PMB will display exceptional courage and political will to checkmate these corrupt politicians. PMB should up the game so as to infuse some sanity into the system.
4. What manner of senate leadership is this: a President (without immunity) having corruption case hanging on is neck; a senate majority leader having a terrorism case hanging on his neck; a deputy senate president that supervised a failed constitutional amendment with billions of naira down the drain; a host of discredited former governors who are now principal officers have corruption cases still pending against them. Supposing the anti corruption agencies arrest them what happens? My take is PMB should build state institutions that can make his jobs easier and at the sametime give these shameless politicians some viable assignments outside the parliament.
The journey should begin now!

Tuesday 30 June 2015


1. My son, if you keep spending on a woman and she never asked you if you’re saving or investing, and she keeps enjoying the attention, don’t marry her. 2. My son, a woman could be a good wife to you, some could be a good mother to your children but if you’ve found a woman like a mother to you, your children and your family, please don’t let her go. 3. My son, don’t confine the position of your wife to the kitchen, where did you get that from? Even in our days, we had farm-lands where they worked every morning . . . that was our office. 4. My son, if I tell you that you’re the head of the house, don’t look at your pocket; look if you will see a smile on your wife’s face. 5. My son, if you want to have a long life, let your wife be in- charge of your salary, it will be difficult for her to spend it when she’s aware of the home needs and bills to pay but if it’s in your care, she will keep you asking even when all has been spent. 6. My son, don’t ever beat your woman, the pain in her body is nothing to be compared to the wound on her heart and that means you may be in trouble living with a wounded woman. 7. My son, now that you’re married, if you live a bachelor kind of life with your wife, you will soon be single again. 8. My son, in our days, we had many wives and many children because of our large farm- lands and many harvests, there are hardly any land for farming anymore, so embrace your woman closely. 9. My son, under the cocoa tree that I did meet your mother could be your eateries and restaurants of nowadays, but remember, the closet thing we did there was to embrace each other. 10. My son, don’t be carried away when you start making more money, instead of spending on those tiny legs that never knew how hard you worked to get it, spend it on that woman that stood by you all along. 11. My son, when I threw little stones or whistled at the window of your mother father’s house, to call her out, it was not for sex, it was because I missed her so much. 12. My son, remember, when you say your wife has changed, there could be something you’ve stopped doing too. 13. My son, your mother rode the bicycle with me before I bought that tortoise car outside there, any woman that won’t endure with you in your little beginning should not enjoy your riches. 14. My son, don’t compare your wife to any woman, there are ways she’s enduring you too and has she ever compared you to any man? 15. My son, there is this thing you people call feminism, well, if a woman claim to have equal right with you in the house, divide all the bills into two equal parts, take one part and ask her to start paying the other part. 16. My son, I met your mother a virgin and I took more yams to her father, if you don’t meet your wife a virgin, don’t blame her, what I didn’t tell you is that our women had prestige. 17. My son, I didn’t send your sisters to school because I was foolish like many to think a female child won’t extend my family name, please don’t make that mistake, the kind of female achievers I see nowadays has made the male-gender an ordinary tag. 18. My son, your mother have once locked up the cloth I was wearing and almost tore it because she was angry, I did not raise my hand to beat her because of a day like this, so that I can be proud to tell you that I never for once beat your mother. 19. My son, in our days, our women had more of natural beauty, though I wouldn’t lie to you, some had minor painting of their appellation mostly on their arms, the ones you people now call tattoo, but don’t forget that they didn’t expose any part of their body like your women of nowadays. 20. My son, your mother and I are not interested in what happens in your marriage, try to handle issues without always coming to us. 21. My son, remember I bought your mother’s first sewing machine for her, help your wife achieve her dreams just as you’re pursuing yours. 22. My son, don’t stop taking care of me and your mother, so that your children will take care of you too. By: Anonymous

Monday 29 June 2015

Food for thought...

I just love this story!!! One night President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to do something out of routine and go for a casual dinner at a restaurant that wasn’t too luxurious. When they were seated, the owner of the restaurant asked the President’s secret service if he could please speak to the First Lady in private. They obliged and Michelle had a conversation with the owner. Following this conversation, President Obama asked Michelle, “Why was he so interested in talking to you?" She mentioned that in her teenage years, he had been madly in love with her. President Obama then said, “So if you had married him, you would now be the owner of this lovely restaurant?" Michelle responded, “No, if I had married him, he would now be the President Of The US.” Believe it or not, sometimes it's a woman that makes a man who he is! So for the single men that are still searching for a wife, may God help you to find that help mate that will turn you from " a nobody" into "a somebody". For that single lady that is reading this, may you be that blessing no man can do without.

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Nigeria politician

Nigeria Politicians

He is a breed of uncommon rascality, a wild political animal that is begging to be tamed. Who will bail this wild cat, lose and prowling our political landscape most often in self-aggrandizement?
True fiscal federalism is the answer and the rule of law obeyed to the last letter at all times. Nigerians, when shall we be free of this legionnaires political ailments?
Alain Lefevre was a boxer paid by Marseille Mobster to win a fight in the 1998 film, Legionnaire. Such scripts, typifies our do-or-die politics, particularly in Nigeria today. Nigeria politicians don’t play to win an election that belittles their twin-tower egos.
They scheme to win; often aided or abetted by the power that be. The more you look, the less you see. Bank on that, they would say. As napodites, we surely have our work cut out for us Bukola Saraki is SELECTING people that will go with him to PDP and these are the people that will fight Buhari against fighting CORRUPTION… Corruption is fighting back the CHANGE we all voted for… Saraki is the ring leader…. sponsored by no one but Atiku… Now Buhari will regret that statement of "I will work with anybody in the Senate"…
How can Buhari work with these group of corrupt politicians??? and who loses at the end of the day… WE! YES WE THE MASSES
They say Tinubu is a greedy and over ambitious man, his first party ticket he gave it to Atiku, second one he gave it to Ribadu, third one he gave it to Buhari. Both Atiku and Ribadu later moved to PDP but Tinubu remained in opposition. Who is over ambitious?
He strategized and survived in opposition for 16 years when others were all jumping shamelessly from one party to the other, he gave Buhari the pedestal to attain his ambition but now he is labeled the number one enemy of Buhari by the same people that felt he can never be President. They all rush to pay OBJ allegiance forgetting he brought GEJ to power and brought him down but Tinubu brought Fashola and never brought him down despite perceived differences. Lest we forget, never bite the hands that fed you cos you might lick the boot that kicked you.  Kudos Jagaban!!!

A big thank you to my friend Alh LAWAL.