Monday 25 August 2014


What a lot of people do not know, I bet you do not know either; Do you know there is a difference between 'Fundamental Human Right' and 'Human Right' .... What is the difference between Fundamental Human right and Human Right?                       
Fundamental rights are similar to human rights their similarity makes a lot of people to think they are the same but fundamental human right and human right are different in the sense that they(fundamental human right) have legal sanction and are enforceable in a court of law whereas human rights do not have such sanctity and are not enforceable in courts. Then there is difference of universal appeal because fundamental rights are country specific that have been made keeping in mind the history and culture of a country whereas human rights are designed in such a way that they are of even more basic nature and apply to all human beings across the world without any discrimination,the. The right to a dignified human life is one such human right which cannot be questioned whether you are in US or in a poor African country.
(In summary) Human Rights vs Fundamental Rights
 •Human rights are more basic in nature than fundamental rights and apply to all human beings on the face of the earth,that is, they are the rights flowing from the nature of human being which are inherent and inalienable right  whereas fundamental rights are country specific, they are enshrined by constitutions of various countries and they have legal sanction
by Oyinposolami