Wednesday 16 July 2014


I feel so sorry about the kind of graduate we produce today in our university. Gone are the days were education was strictly meant for the smart and hard working students who knew that their success depend on what they have up there.
What kind of graduates are we producing? Considering the alarming increase of unemployed young graduates, it is necessary for us to adapt a new strategy. A graduate is a student who has completed all academic requirement and obtain the necessary grade to pass out in the university.
Now what happen when as a Registrar in the university you are approach by a year two student who request to graduate despite been aware that he hasn't yet completed all requirement to graduate. I actually wonder what they are think ? Is university a place were you buy certificate? Are we producing empty brains graduate? What is going on here?
Nothing comes easy, it is important for students to understand that when one is a graduate, he should be able to defend the certificate he tender or carry around.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


As we go through life,we fail to understand that it's not important to have lots of friend.
What truly matters is to have Real friends, someone that we trust, we share joy and pain, who appreciate us the way we are. It is always fun to have someone you can call a friend.
Now tell me what kind of friend is jealous of your progress, success and joy?
What kind of friend will see your success as a means of plotting his downfall?
Be careful of friends you have, they can sometimes be the source of your problems.


The border is generally known as a place defining the boundaries of nations. It is a place where mouvement of individuals are checked and monitor based on the immigration law.Seme border which is the boundary between Nigeria and Benin Republic, do not in anyway fall under this criteria. It's rather a mafia zone, where individuals right and the free movement of person and goods are violated on a daily basis, the ECOWAS law don't matter, you are ask to pay from 500-1000 Naira at both the Benin and Nigeria side. The amazing issue here is that you are to pay Naira in a country that uses Franc CFA,that is the Benin side. The harassment is just unbelievable, the discrimination and extortion is their MOTTO.
What really upset me happen last week, I was traveling with my car matriculated with Benin number and having all papers required to cross the border. Despite that I was still ask by the Benin officers to pay 500 Naira for an illegal registration. When I ask them why I should pay the amount ask when my car is having all the papers, the response was that, I am not the only one paying for that. I then ask to see the commissaire but unfortunately I was told that he went to Cotonou.
Truth be told, the commissaire voluntarily absent himself because he is aware of the illegal activities of his officers and at the end the money definitely goes back to him. I thought I was done with the non sense until to my surprise the officer at the Benin passport stamp office also ask me to pay 1000 Naira for the short stay visas. Again I ask to see an ECOWAS statutory law that state that 1000 Naira should be paid to Benin officers for a short stay and of course no response was given to me.
I actually wonder why the government is keeping silent to the complain of the people they promise to protect? How can someone that the people elected in an office now decides to use the government machinery to intimidate and frustrated the people effort? AFRICA WAKE UP, LET US BUILD A BETTER TOMORROW, REGIONAL INTEGRATION SHOULD BE VISIBLE AND